
Self Care Massage in 3 Easy Steps

I was eavesdropping on the conversation between our massage therapists as they were discussing and comparing self-care massage techniques they recommend to their clients. Self-Care is vital to their clients well-being and to continue the benefits after the massage. It was such good information that I had to share it.
I've also made a video and included it below.

Tuscany Spa foot scrub, mask and relaxin massage treatment
Relaxing foot massage at Tuscany Spa

Leave me a comment and let me know how it works for you.
Have a relaxing day, Michelle

Useful tools
Golf balls, Fascia balls or Pinky Balls.
(Pinky balls are available at Tuscany Spa)
Hot pack
Items you should already have available
A dish towel or t-shirt
A chair
Clear section of floor or clear section of wall 

Self Care Massage in 3 Easy Steps

 1. Place the tea towel or t-shirt on the injured area, then place the hot pack on the towel.
NOTE: NOT boiling hot, you don't want to scald yourself. Leave on UP TO 20 minutes, no longer.
     2.  BODY:  grab your fascia balls (tennis ball not as firm but will do in a pinch) place it under the area that is sore. You can do this laying on a floor or against the wall. Lay, or lean, on the ball, be still and breathe deeply for 3 minutes. Gently roll your body over the ball to find another sore spot, be still and breathe for 3 minutes again. Repeat this slowly over the area of injury.
     FEET: sit in a chair and place a golf ball under each foot, gently roll and hold, covering the entire foot. This is a great daily self-care massage, especially for people that are on their feet all day.

    3. Gently stretch. Do Not overdo it, a re-injury is worse than the initial injury. Or simply go for a walk. Why? This helps disperse the lactic acid and gets your lymphatic system moving

    For more self-care tips and information , please feel free to contact us. If a self-care massage is not enough then its time to schedule your Restorative Massage to get you back on your feet.

    . I would love to hear from you, how did this work for you or do you have a technique you prefer. Let me know in the comments below.

    Happy Stretching,

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