
Tips for treating Summer skin

The summer is upon us with a vengeance. Here are some tips I found for treating you skin that I paraphrased from the team.

Quick Tips to Conquer Summer Skin (and Hair) Problems

With most parts of the country experiencing a heat wave, many people are hitting the beach and spending lots of time outside. But the sun can produce everything from pesky problems — like dry hair — to potentially dangerous concerns — like sunburn, heat rash and blisters. Here’s a primer on both preventing and healing these skin and hair care problems.


One serious side effect of enjoying the sun: sunburn. But loading up on sunscreen isn’t the only way to help prevent damaging your skin. Plus, there are ways to soothe sunburned skin.

Watch the clock. 

The first way to prevent a sunburn is to pay attention to what time of day you’re exposed to the sun. According to Jan Nissl, R.N., on WebMD, you can calculate how strong the sun’s rays are by using the shadow rule: “A shadow that is longer than the person means UV exposure is low; a shadow that is shorter than the person means the UV exposure is high.” The sun’s rays are strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Wear protective clothing. 

Sunglasses and hats aren’t just part of your summer wardrobe, they help protect your skin. Hats should have a wide brim that covers your face and neck, and sunglasses should have UV protection. (See here for the details on sun-safe sunglasses.) You can also find clothing that contains sun protection.

Soothe with aloe vera. 

For most of us, the first thing we turn to for sunburned skin is aloe vera, and with good reason. Whether it’s pure aloe vera or a cream containing this soothing plant, applying it to your sunburn will instantly calm the pain. Chamomile is also known for alleviating sunburn pain, especially when combined with aloe vera in lotions. If you don’t have any aloe vera on hand, you can mimic its calming sensation by applying cool cloths and taking cold showers or baths.

Got milk? 

To soothe sunburned skin, you can also use a washcloth soaked in cold skim milk, according to Zoe Draelos, M.D., clinical associate professor of dermatology at Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, on the Skin Cancer Foundation. He explains that, “The coolness takes out the initial fire, and the milk creates a protein film that helps ease the ensuing discomfort.”

Note: it is NOT safe to get a skin peel or any kind of exfoliation on sunburned skin.


As if having a sunburn isn’t bad enough, most of us experience the peeling stage before our skin is completely healed. While it’s important to keep applying aloe vera to relieve the discomfort, there are other ways to alleviate peeling (and itching) skin.


Non-greasy lotions, like Avene After Sun-Care Lotion or Pelasante Power Hydrator with calming green tea extracts, can soothe the skin. However, according to Dr. Draelos, don’t cover up the peeling area with a self- tanning lotion “because it will stick to the peeling skin and make it look worse.”

Don’t peel. 

We know it’s hard, but try to keep yourself from picking at the skin, and let it fall off on its own. Peeling off skin that hasn’t healed yet can lead to an infection. However, you can remove hanging dead skin safely. According to Kori Ellis on SheKnows, use “a small pair of scissors and carefully cut away just that section of skin.” Then, apply an antibacterial ointment to the area.

Heat rash

Hot, humid weather can lead to a skin irritation called heat rash. According to Mayo Clinic, “Heat rash develops when your sweat ducts become blocked and perspiration is trapped under your skin,” leading to clustered red lumps that can sometimes itch.

Stay cool. 

The best way to get rid of heat rash is to keep your skin cool and avoid sweating — a good excuse to crank up the A/C! Try to stay in the shade when you go outside, and sleep in a cool and well-ventilated room.

Air-dry after a shower. 

Take cool showers and let your skin air-dry before getting dressed. Try to wear loose clothing to help keep your temperature down.

Avoid lotions. 

Most creams and lotions will irritate your heat rash by warming the skin and blocking your pores. If your skin is itchy and desperately needs relief, try calamine lotion and a cool compress.

Sun blisters

Sun blisters can pop up when your skin is exposed to the sun for long periods of time. You can prevent sun blisters like you do a sunburn, but there are a few tips to keep in mind while they heal.

Don’t break them. 

Most sun blisters will heal on their own, so try not to touch them because they can easily become infected. If a sun blister does break, dab some antibiotic lotion on it to keep it on the healing path — but don’t use alcohol or iodine because they can delay healing.

Bandage loosely. 

It’s best to keep sun blisters uncovered, but if you need to bandage them because they rub against clothing or shoes, make sure it’s done loosely and that the tape doesn’t touch the blisters. Ideally change the bandage every day so the blisters don’t get infected.

Wear loose clothing. 

While your sun blisters are still healing, it helps to wear loose clothing and shoes that don’t rub against the blisters, otherwise it could take much longer to get rid of them.

Summer is the perfect time to get your Tuscany Spa Essential Facial. We'll customize a post-sun treatment to soothe and calm. With calming ingredients of green tea extracts, peptides, copper; plus anti-aging antioxidants to assist in the repair of dna damage; this facial will soothe your skin and deeply hydrate.
Book your appointment today, either online  or call 818-234-5500.   

Dry hair

Exposure to UV rays and chlorine can cause dry hair, leaving it brittle and dull. The easiest way to prevent this is to wear a swimming cap in the pool and a hat outside. If that’s not enough, there are several things you can do to give your hair shine.

Go natural. 

Take a break from hairdryers and straighteners, and let your hair regain its natural moisture. If going au naturel is too much for you, then at least use these tools on low heat to minimize the damage. Using chemical dyes also dries out the hair, stripping your locks of their vital oils.

Shampoo with discretion. 

Many people shampoo their hair too often and with harsh products, essentially washing away the natural oils that make strands shiny and strong. On the other hand, gentle shampoos stimulate the oils, so you shouldn’t wait longer than three days between washes. I am loving MIRACLE AntiAging Shampoo. It is free of Sulfates, parabens, petrochemicals and dioxane. Plus it stimulates the scalp with its Activated Hydrolyzed Capauxein.


After shampoo, use a conditioning formula. Try a conditioner with low concentrations of alcohol (hint: these are usually fragrance-free) to avoid further drying out your hair. If your hair is really dry, the best relief is with a hair mask. Tuscany Spa recommends the MIRACLE AntiAging Extreme Hair Conditioner..

Season with vinegar. 

Believe it or not, vinegar is a great pre-cleanser and moisturizer. Massaging vinegar into your hair before you shampoo can help to remove the build-up of other products and improve your hair’s moisture and shine.

Use eggs. 

Eggs are a resourceful way of deep cleaning your hair and restoring shine. Discovery Health recommends the following pre-shampoo treatment. You’ll need: 3 eggs, 2 tablespoons, olive or safflower oil, and 1 teaspoon vinegar. Mix all the ingredients together, and apply the treatment to your hair. Cover with a plastic cap. After 30 minutes, shampoo your hair. Tuscany Spa Note: DO NOT USE if you are allergic or sensitive to any of these ingredients.

Also try the MIRACLE AntiAging HAIR SERUM, a leave in hair treatment. Our Tuscany Spa team and clients have been impressed with the nourishing results.

The summer can wreak havoc on your skin and hair. Fortunately, however, there are ways to prevent and heal common summertime concerns like sunburn, heat rash and dry hair. Share this info with your friends and family for a happier and healthier summer for all.

Staying safe in the Sun this Summer,

1 comment:

  1. We have found that our pure Argan oil for the skin has been very healing, especially for sunburns. Had one of our clients use it for 5 days to heal a bad sunburn before she took her senior portrait. Worked like a dream. She was delighted with how good her skin looked in her pics.
