After my 4 day cosmetic chemistry UCLA extension course, I was surfing the web for followup info. I happened upon this spa industry site with a wonderful skin cancer self check poster.
This is a great image on how to inspect and recognize a body mole. It contains the ABCDE's of Melanoma and a visual representation, a how-to self exam for moles and potential melanomas and a self assessment chart. This is excellent info.
You can print out your own version of the mole map from the American Academy of Dermatology. Also check out their self exam How-to Video.
What it does not mention to check UNDER your breasts and your genitalia. Even if you never got UV exposure in those areas a mole can still show up. So remember to check those spots too.
With summer coming up, please apply your SpF liberally and every 2 hours when you are exposed. It is better to use and SpF 15 generously than an SPF 50 sparingly; you will actually get better sun protection.
Avoid tanning beds if at all possible - they are notorious for creating skin cancer. If you want visual proof, this blog shows how a tanning bed user was first diagnosed at just 21 years old.
If you get a sunburn, stop all UV exposure; if you have to be out and about you must slop on your SPF, cover up and slap on a hat to minimize further injury. Apply cool compresses or gels, and as soon as possible use a vitamin c toner to minimize the UV damage.
Tuscany Spa offers post sunburn cooling facials to calm the burn, soothe the discomfort and help minimize the UV damage. Another shameless plug: we have a fantastic long wearing (8 hour) sunscreen that is also waterproof for 6 hours. Contact us for details.
Take Care,
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