
Madam C.J. Walker, a beauty entrepreneur ahead of her time

The beauty industry has been a lucrative field for many women entrepreneurs. One of the most inspiring was Madame C.J. Walker. She was a pioneer of the modern black hair-care and cosmetics industry, a savvy business woman, political activist and philanthropist.

The key executives of her company were primarily women. Through employment as a Madame C.J. Walker Agent many black women, that were excluded from most jobs,  found the financial independence to educate their children, purchase real estate and contribute to charitable causes.
Madame C.J. Walkers product image

She traveled through the south and south east, selling her products door to door, demonstrating her scalp treatments and devising sale and marketing strategies.

I am not satisfied in making money for myself. I endeavor to provide employment for hundreds of the women of my race.” Madam C.J. Walker

She temporarily moved her base to Pittsburgh, opened Lelia College and trained "hair culturists." By 1910 she built a factory, hair and manicure salon and another school in Indianapolis. She eventually organized her hair culturist agents into local and state clubs.

“Perseverance is my motto!" - Madam C. J. Walker

In 1911 she made national headlines when she contributed $1,000 to the building fund of the "colored" YMCA in Indianapolis. In 1917 she used the gathering of the Madam C.J. Walker Hair Culturists Union of America convention to both reward her agents for their business success and encourage their political activism as well.

“This is the greatest country under the sun. But we must not let our love of country, our patriotic loyalty cause us to abate one whit in our protest against wrong and injustice." 
-Madame C. J. Walker
Madam C. J. Walker's Secret to Success (Madam Walker Family Archive/
Picture and quote from Madam C.J. Walker:      
"I got my start by giving myself a start"
At the time of her death, she left 2/3rd of her future net profits to charity and had set standards in the African American community for corporate and community giving.

“[Perseverance] gave us the telegraph, telephone and wireless. It gave to the world an Abraham Lincoln, and to a race freedom.”   -Madam C.J. Walker

 Madam C.J. Walker, a  self-made American business woman, told aspiring entrepreneurs that the secrets to her success were tenacity and perseverance, faith in herself and in God, quality products and honest business dealings.

Prof Nancy Koehn,  in Harvard Business School article, said of Madame C.J. Walker " Regardless of race, regardless of gender, this is really a story about a traveler on the road of life who took obstacles and detours, and made them into fuel and light for herself and for those around her - other travelers around her. And I think that's a story that inspires and educates leaders from many, many walks of life."

The  Official blog for Madam C.J. Walker and the "Madam Walker Essay from by A'Leia Bundles was a valuable resource for both information and photos for this blog. Also check out the Madam C.J. Walker biography websites.

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