
Why mornings may not be the best time to workout

How many of us have to wake up at some ungodly hour of the morning just so we can exercise? It's up at 5am, twice a week, for my yoga workouts. I love that my clients have been shocked to hear that I am doing this. Because; I am not a morning person!

That is why I was so excited to check out this article:
"Why Waking Up Early Might Actually Be Bad For Your Workout",

Imagine my delight when this article sites a study that found my fellow Non-Morning people don't do as well during their early morning workouts. They get a much better result and benefit from waking at their normal time to workout. Now if I could only convince my hubby we should wake later, because naturally he IS a morning person.  

But I must grudgingly admit that doing my workout in the mornings guarantees I actually get in my daily exercise. It is much harder in the evenings since it is easier to come up with excuses to skip it.

The twice a week early morning yoga classes are, if I am being honest, not bad. I get to sleep earlier the night before and can wake up at my normal time the rest of the week. I am feeling stronger and the hubby and I have been at it a year now.

This year hubby and I are adding in a change in diet. We are going on a healthy eating lifestyle by following the DASH Diet. I will let you know what I discover, how its going and give you recipes that I love. So far I have a homemade raisin nut granola bar that I love. Will blog it next time.

A big "THANK YOU" to all of my amazing clients for your support and encouragement, I really appreciate it.

What has been the best exercise routine for you? Do you prefer a morning or evening workout? What has been your trick to making it stick?


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