
Are Synthetics safe? The strange truth you need to know

Take the Quiz: Truth about Synthetics

  • Synthetics are Artificial or Man-made.  TRUE or FALSE?

  • Synthetics are Natural or Nature-made.  TRUE or FALSE?
  • Synthetics are bad for the environment. TRUE or FALSE?
  • Synthetics can reduce our Carbon Footprint.  TRUE or FALSE?

Lets go over the results and see how you did.

Synthetics artificial or man-made?

Synthetic ingredients can, and are, made in the lab. Synthetic ingredients can be created as an identical twin to a product directly taken out of nature. These synthetics are Nature-Identical.

Synthetics are natural or Nature-made?

Synthetic refers to the combining of two or more elements, or simple compounds, through synthesis. Synthesis happens in Nature therefore synthetics are natural.  An example of a natural synthetic is PHOTO SYNTHESIS

Synthetics are bad for the Environment?

Since plant ingredients from nature can be recreated in the lab into Nature-Identical Synthetics, the original plant matter does not need to be destroyed to create the ingredient. Nature-identical Synthetics leave the original plant intact so synthetics are better for our environment.

Synthetics can reduce our Carbon Footprint?

Since we can make Nature-Identical Synthetics it is possible to travel only ONCE to the source of the ingredients, for example the Rain Forest, take just a portion of the rare plant and then recreate it multiple times in the lab without every traveling to the rain forest again.

We want to be kinder to our earth. Marketers use this desire to sell us the false idea that only natural, or non-synthetic products, are better for the environment. But a nature-identical synthetic ingredient does not deplete our delicate environment and it reduces our carbon footprint while giving us access to ingredients that can make a dramatic difference in our lives, our health and our skincare.

How many did you get correct? Where you surprised by any of the answers and why? Can you think of another example of a natural synthetic?

Check out the start of the Chemicals Friend or Foe series and look for our next blog on Natural ingredients - are natural and organic the same thing?

Michelle G. Lathe, L.E.

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