
Friday Fun - Your fabulous 5 for a better TurkeyDay

Enjoy Your Entertaining Weekend Round-Up: 

Multi-tasking at work has been a bit hectic. Gearing up for our Thanksgiving week sale, working with (really wonderful) clients AND planning for a 5 day trip to the in-laws. 

I need a bit of down time - so this gal treated herself to some quiet reading. (Especially now that I have my little reading/writing nook in the dining room. Thanks to my awesome hubby for all his help.) 

Found some delightful tidbits you'll enjoy. Plus anything to help keep us sane this Thanksgiving week. 
Friday Fun - your fabulous 5 for a better turkeyDay from

Humor, Brit Style

After 5 years in Ireland I became hooked on British humor. Elaine's writing on "I used to be indecisive ... but I'm not so sure now." was good for a chuckle. I mean, really who actually irons sheets. Oh, er.. you mean its actually a British thing. OK never-mind that. Carry On.
Enjoy the fun music video mash up she linked in her post. Wonder how long that took to make. Check out how well they synced the old films with the new song.

Can I have on of these? Or just a dozen. 

(Pretty please. Don't make me beg.)

While I am trying to get everything done I wake up with one thing on my mind ... "Where is Jeeves with my Coffee?" Then I remember it was all a dream and get my own cuppa wake-up juice. 

As I dream of Jeeves, this clever gal found many more uses for HER assistants. Need to find me some of those. Wonder if she will let me borrow #2 and #15. Definitely #15, a MUST for us book lovers.

On the road again

We will be heading out on Tuesday night. Right after my last client. And after I clean up. We'll to be on the road and on our way by 10:30pm.  Off to the pacific northwest for some downtime, family time and friend-time. 

In the meantime I need to get my audio collection pulled together for our 14+ drive. Leila has a good round-up of Autumn Drive listening. Add it to my audio books list and I am set.

Entertaining weekend roundup from

It's all about the food. 

(And the family. But really, it's the food.)

I am looking forward to visit with the lovely in-laws (I'm truly a lucky gal, they're delightful). 

The hardest thing during this visit will be to NOT devour the entire Thanksgiving buffet. It is soooo tempting to try a little bit of everything. And then to eat a little bit of everything. And then to need someone to roll me out of the restaurant. 

So Rosemary's timely reminder will keep me focused on what is really important ... my food, of course.

The perfect gift ... Ear Drum Insurance?

I can't believe that next Sunday is the start of Advent. I enjoy squawking the Advent song "Oh come, oh come Emmanuel." (If you have heard me sing, you will agree to buy ear-drum insurance for my next performance.)

When I get back from our trip it will be time to start my Christmas shopping. Luckily, I found some unique gift ideas for the book lovers in my family. Creative, unique gifts too.  (What a minute? I'm a book lover! Hey hubby, gift #1 will look fantastic in our bedroom.)

What are your plans during Thanksgiving week? Holiday shopping? Snatching up the deals?  If you are taking a trip, where to? 

(Shameless plug: If you are in-town, stop by the spa. EVERY retail item is on sale. And up to 40% OFF. Say "Hi!" to Mom for me too.)

Whatever you plans may be, I hope you have a fun, safe and delicious Thanksgiving.
Michelle G. Lathe, L.E.  
For more info about our spa, services and sensational staff visit us online at

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